Hot Shots TV – Birth of the 930 JM Pro Shotgun

Hot Shots TV – Birth of the 930 JM Pro Shotgun

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Hot Shots TV – Birth of the 930 JM Pro Shotgun

Hot Shots TV – Birth of the 930 JM Pro Shotgun | Aventure Chasse Peche Orignal Chevreuil Pourvoirie et le plein air Hot Shots TV – Birth of the 930 JM Pro Shotgun
In this segment from the hit television show, « Hot Shots, » that airs on Sportsman Channel, watch as Jerry Miculek recounts how the JM Pro Series shotgun was developed, and learn why the Mossberg 930 is now the gun of choice for Team

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Nicolas Thivierge | Réalisateur ACP Télé

Equipe Aventure Chasse Pêche Nicolas Thivierge  | Réalisateur ACP Télé

Equipe Aventure Chasse Pêche Nicolas Thivierge  | Réalisateur ACP Télé