Kate Nadeau Mercier

Kate Nadeau Mercier

Kate Nadeau Mercier ACP Network General Manager and Filles de Bois Coordinator

As a woman involved in various wildlife issues in the hunting and fishing community, I work actively to promote the involvement of women in this field.

A motivator in my own time, I use hunting and fishing to help you go further, to push back your own limits. You’re my inspiration, girl!

From policewoman to animator to my most important role, mother!

Today, Kate Nadeau Mercier is General Manager of the Aventure Chasse Pêche network, a highly recognized French-language media leader in the hunting and fishing industry, with a loyal readership and audience. The network, which includes a weekly program of the same name, now boasts over 900,000 listeners a week after 35 years of existence. It airs every Thursday evening at 21:00, is rebroadcast ten times in the same week, and has a full rebroadcast cycle, making it visible 52 weeks a year.

Aventure Chasse Pêche also includes a quarterly magazine with an impressive print run of 45,000 copies. All of this, combined with a burgeoning social media presence that reaches over half a million people. From the You Tube channel to live broadcasts, Aventure Chasse Pêche has become a must-see.

Starting out as an administrative assistant, Kate rose to prominence and influence within Aventure Chasse Pêche over the years, culminating in the management position she holds today. Highly involved in the various wildlife and succession initiatives in the area, Kate actively promotes the involvement of women in the community. She also belongs to a number of associations, including the Fédération Québécoises des chasseurs et pêcheurs, to give women a voice in wildlife issues.

Filles de bois Foundation

Thanks to the founding of the Filles de bois group 5 years ago, she has succeeded in bringing together more than 18,500 women with a close or distant connection to the field. With the help of her acolytes, she manages to educate, initiate, interest and above all give confidence to these women, every day through the various platforms of the same name. She is also involved in the various activities proposed to help women increase their participation and autonomy in the forest.

Always interested in learning more about the industry, Kate is present at every major trade show and convention to keep the Aventure chasse Pêche group at the forefront of the latest news, developments and techniques through its various traditional and electronic media.

Finally, Kate is recognized by her peers not only for her involvement with the next generation of women, but also for her passion for weapons, shooting and ballistics, as well as for various hunting techniques.


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