A guy in the woods

A guy in the woods

Welcome to my page, Un gars dans l’bois. Here you’re likely to find hunting photos and videos, some wild meat recipes, a few tricks and also some rather strange stories… In fact, it’s often a case of one debilitating badluck after another that accumulates from one hunt to the next. That said, I often manage to get out alive and even harvest some game. First and foremost, I’m a fan of small game hunting. Nothing beats the feeling of wandering through the forest in search of grouse, or even freezing solid on the northern route in search of ptarmigan at -50. Turkey hunting is a class of its own, and there’s nothing better than gossiping about a turkey so that it finally flips out and comes swollen and ready to take a swing at my decoys. Otherwise I’m also a bear and white-tailed deer hunter, those are more complex to harvest when you’re chasing them on a fine hunt, but anyway, I managed to harvest my bear with a bucket full of my dog’s fermented turds. Well yes, it happened for real! ..But it was a badluck at first.

I developed my page over time and without too many expectations. In fact, I just started filming a turkey with a cheap camera on Amazon and thought it was funny. Well ok, because it was a turkey and I made the thickest hunting montage for my father… Then I started listening to Solo Hunter shows on Wild TV and a few discussions with Tim Burnett gave me the motivation to spend my meagre tax return on video equipment… And it’s already been almost 5 years since I opened my page at the time of writing this bio. It’s crazy!

That said, I mainly hunt solo. You’ll understand then that I don’t have a film crew following me on my hunting trips, and I often have to resort to a bit of creativity to make certain videos. This complicates my hunting a lot and is also one of the reasons why I’m not always able to make videos every time I go out. That’s why I’ve developed a way of picturing these hunting outings for you, by writing the adventures. It may be written in a rather crude way for some people, but I try to stay true to the emotions of the moment. It’s not easy to express emotions in text, I’m not a shrink or a writer.

For me, hunting is an outlet that allows me to survive life. That’s one of the reasons why I almost always hunt solo. It’s not that I’m anti-social, but I’m a guy who needs his own bubble. That said, I still enjoy replying to comments and chatting with you on facebook. I suppose I could be classified as atypical with a karma deficit.

I also have a soft spot for fishing, especially pike, bass and walleye, but I’m far from being able to advise you. I allow myself maybe one or two outings a year, just to pass the time between bear hunts.

So now you know a little more about me and my page. In fact, I also have a Youtube channel that you can subscribe to. All my relevant videos are on my facebook page minus the stories, who knows, maybe the videos are better encoded there?



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