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Adjusting to your hunting dates – Sépaq
Adjusting to your hunting dates – Sépaq | Aventure Chasse Fishing Moose Deer Outfitters and the great outdoors
Michel Therrien reminds us that there are no wrong hunting dates, just the right techniques for each one. Follow these tips to get the most out of your hunting season.
Michel Therrien hunting guides
Michel Therrien grew up surrounded by hunting, fishing and trapping guides. Over the years, following in the footsteps of various experienced guides has enabled him to develop his passion and recognized expertise. For over 20 years, author and columnist Michel Therrien has been sharing his knowledge of animal life and sport hunting.
Michel Therrien moose and deer hunting
It offers moose and deer hunting courses. His in-depth courses focus on hunting techniques that facilitate the harvesting of these noble big game animals. His aim is to entertain people while promoting learning from his adventures with woodsmen, and he shares his experiences with intensity and passion. A well-known speaker at wildlife and hunting events, he is an active participant in major outdoor, hunting, fishing and camping shows in Quebec City and Montreal.
Michel Therrien video and educational capsules
For several years now, Michel has been enjoying making video and educational vignettes. His primary concerns: respect for the environment and for animals, but also the importance of educating people, whether hunters or anglers, about the role of harvesting activities and the art of doing it right! Michel founded the team Hunting Québec, which specializes in video production, training and guidance.