American eel: From the St. Lawrence River to the Sargasso Sea + 8 species (fascine 2) Skin fishing

American eel: From the St. Lawrence River to the Sargasso Sea + 8 species (fascine 2) Skin fishing

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American eel: From the St. Lawrence River to the Sargasso Sea + 8 species (fascine 2) Skin fishing

American eel: From the St. Lawrence River to the Sargasso Sea + 8 species (fascine 2)#lapêched danslapeau #anguille #esturgeon #doré #eelS1 E8 We’re on the banks of the St. Lawrence at Cap-Santé to discover what the tide has left us. You’ll discover several species, including the American eel, on which you can install a pit tag to track its progress. In addition, channel catfish, walleye, white sucker, longnose sucker, longnose sucker, sturgeon and redhorse.