Citori 725 Small gauges detailed by Aaron Cummins

Citori 725 Small gauges detailed by Aaron Cummins

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Citori 725 Small gauges detailed by Aaron Cummins

Citori 725 Small gauges detailed by Aaron Cummins | Adventure Hunting Moose Deer Outfitting and Outdoors

Citori 725 Small gauges detailed by Aaron Cummins

We now have the complete range of 725 shotguns. If you’re a fan of small caliber upper and lower (28 gauge and .410 bore), this is a great day for you. Please note that the product manager was under “hot lights” and meant 28 gauge, not 16 gauge.sourceacpnation.comJAIME4#Citori #Small #gauges #detailed #Aaron #Cummins #SHOT #Show