Deer Galiotte sector Sépaq Anticosti

Deer Galiotte sector Sépaq Anticosti

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Deer Galiotte sector Sépaq Anticosti

Deer Galiotte sector Sépaq Anticosti | Adventure Hunting Moose Deer Outfitters and the great outdoors

Sépaq Anticosti – Deer Galiotte sector

At the Base de Plein Air de Sainte-Foy to announce a partnership and the Oeno selections. Also, the deer hunting 2021 in the Galiotte sector of Anticosti Island from the ACP team, coyote hunting equipment with Écotone, a visit to the head office of the Fédération québécoise des hunters and fishermen, and we present the various winter activities at Base Sainte-Foy with Benoît Letarte!

Quebec Federation of Hunters and Anglers


Its mission is to represent and defend the interests of the hunters and anglers of Quebec, to contribute to education on safe practices and to participate actively in the conservation and enhancement of wildlife to ensure the sustainability of resources and the perpetuation of hunting and fishing as traditional, heritage and recreational activities.


Visit The main values upheld are volunteer work, respect for individuals, genders and communities, recognition of wildlife as a collective asset, equitable sharing of wildlife resources, ethical behaviour in practice, promotion of wildlife harvesting activities and their economic value, and conservation of wildlife and its habitats.

In November 1946, the first gathering of “sportsmen” and owners of private clubs and territories was held in Quebec City. Driven by a common desire to unite the province’s hunting and fishing associations and become actively involved in the conservation of game, fish and natural resources, they initialled the charter of the Fédération des associations de chasse et de pêche du Québec.

Under the aegis of premier presidentBernard Castonguay, the members’ newsletter, published since 1947 under the name of “News of the federation”, reported on firm resolutions to remove political influence from wildlife management and give game wardens and legislators more power and means to combat poaching and resource mismanagement. A first step, the effects of which are still being felt today.

Changing social views on hunting, fishing and nature have led the young federation to adapt quickly to the passage of time. The disappearance of private clubs, mostly American, and people’s desire to get involved on an individual basis marked the Federation’s adolescence. In 1965, social change and modernization forced the Fédération des associations de chasse et de pêche du Québec to become the Fédération québécoise de la faune, and the organization continued to expand.

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Adventure Hunting Fishing
18660, boul. Lacroix
St-Georges (Qc) Canada G5Y 5B8