Ecotone Decoys for deer hunting

Ecotone Decoys for deer hunting

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Ecotone Decoys for deer hunting


Ensuring your safety when using a watchtower

There’s no doubt about it: the quality and condition of the equipment are essential. for safety when using a watchtower, as explained above; however, no matter how good or bad your equipment is, there will always be a risk of accident if you don’t behave properly, so at the end of the day, most of the responsibility for safety rests with you! This is why it is important not only to check your equipment and make sure that everything is working properly, but also to think about safety when using your watchtower, otherwise there is a real risk of danger every time you use your watchtower.Many hunters may think that security thinking is a matter of complicated rules and procedures, but that’s far from the case! In fact, most of the thoughts (and behaviorsHowever, it is useful to remember some basic safety principles when using a watchtower. for hunting :

1. Be careful when getting in or out of the deer stand.

Most stand accidents occur when hunters are climbing up or down the stand. In this respect, it is very important to keep all your senses alert when climbing in or out of the watchtower, following basic safety measures such as the three-point contact. go to to or from your stand, it is mandatory to have three points of contact with the ropes or ladders. This means two feet and one hand, or two hands and one foot. NEVER avoid all three points of contact, as there is a high risk of falling, and remember to wear non-slip boots and check ladders for ice and moisture before use. A simple slip can compromise your grip and lead to an accident!

2. Always use a deer-hunting harness

You may be a hunter in the trees, but gravity makes no difference between experienced hunters and beginners, and all are attracted to dry land! harness attached to a good-quality, well-placed safety rope, otherwise there’s a real risk of falling and injury (or even death!).

3. Keep your hands free when climbing!

Sometimes hunters try to climb up to their tree stands with all their gear on their hands or backs. It’s a huge error A weight and too many elements to manage will alter your balance and compromise all three points of contact, increasing your chances of an accident. transport with you, ride freely and later use a tow rope to raise or lower your equipment and clothing. It may take a little longer, but it’s a million times safer!

4. Lower the barrel for deer hunting

All rifles and firearms must be moved unloaded and with the muzzle down. No matter how many times you’ve repeated the operation or how much practice you’ve had, it’s essential to follow this rule.Never move a firearm to or from the range if it’s loaded. Don’t forget to engage all the safety catches and keep their muzzles pointed downwards throughout the process.

5. Never fall asleep

It may sound strange, but after climbing accidents, falling asleep is the second most common cause of accidents on a tree stand. So do everything you can to stay alert. If you’re unable to do this and start to feel drowsy, it’s best to get off the stand.It’s best to keep your feet on solid ground when you’re drowsy. You’ll have another chance to make a catch later, but if you fall and injure yourself, that chance may never come!”The safety measures mentioned above will keep you alive and injury-free. Finally, don’t forget to practice climbing on your support at a low height until you’re comfortable enough to do it safely at the final height. Go slowly, without hurrying; that way you’ ll be safer, after all you’ll be spending long hours on the stand, so there’s no hurry!”SOURCE: ghilliesuitshop /