Episode 153: Hunting the iron spirit with Joel Turner

Episode 153: Hunting the iron spirit with Joel Turner

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Episode 153: Hunting the iron spirit with Joel Turner

In this episode of Gritty Bowmen, Joel Turner, owner of Iron Mind Hunting, teaches us how to become a better shooter. Joel’s teaching is very different from any other shooting instruction I’ve ever received. Here’s a quote from Joel that illustrates his philosophy. “People get stuck in a rut thinking that tactics and gadgets will solve their problems. What I’m here to show you is that it’s not the tools you have, but the system you need to put in place to be effective.”

At first glance, it’s easy to dismiss Joel’s ideas and training as “snake oil” or the same thing you’ve heard from countless other effective shooters. But, subtle though they may seem, I found Joel’s ideas and teaching methods profoundly different from anything I’d heard before. I can’t recommend Joel Turner’s training enough. Whether you’re a seasoned shooter or a novice, Joel is an effective teacher with a mind of steel. You don’t want to miss this podcast.

At the end of this podcast, Joel shares his in-depth thoughts on calling big bulls using what he calls the “Bull Calling Cows” bugle. It’s a fascinating concept and Joel has the background to back up his theory. Interesting stuff. It’s something I’ll probably try on my next elk-hunting adventure. Everything you need to know about Joel Turner can be found at www.ironmindhunting.com – Go and see him. You won’t regret it.


Home of GRITTY movies and podcasts, where we talk about EVERYTHING GRITTY. Life isn’t easy… life isn’t fair, never has been and never will be. A good life requires GRIT – because the best things in life come from hard work, sacrifice, resolution, determination and perseverance – because GRIT means never giving up, it means coming back again and again until you succeed. We talk about hunting, the outdoors, conservation, family and life. We’re talking about physical fitness. And we’re talking strength. Strength of body, strength of mind and strength of character. Give priority to who you are and who you want to be. Be GRITTY – because life isn’t fair and a little GRIT can make all the difference.

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