Fix It Sticks Shot Show 2023 | Adventure Hunting Fishing

Fix It Sticks Shot Show 2023 | Adventure Hunting Fishing

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Descriptions: It Sticks Shot Show 2023 | Adventure Hunting FishingFIND A BETTER SOLUTIONIt’s a real problem: most tools for your firearms – most tools at all – simply aren’t designed to be portable. They’re too big. Too bulky. Too limited in use. No one wants to lug a toolbox around with them, and that means that your huntingWe looked at what was available and thought “there must be a better way”.BORN IN ILLINOIS, USAThat better way is Fix It Sticks. Designed and prototyped in Illinois, then manufactured with extreme precision in Taiwan, it’s a compact, lightweight system of highly modular T-handles that work with a variety of specialized tools and torque limiters, as well as standard 1/4″ bits. You get the best of everything: workshop precision, fantastic performance and unbeatable portability.ASKED BY ITS NAMEWe believed in the Fix It Sticks system. And we knew we’d got it right when we started receiving orders from competition shooters and military snipers. Then we knew that manufacturers such as Barrett Firearms and Heckler & Koch wanted to include our tools in their products and military contracts. We even started receiving orders directly from military units all over the country.Since then, we’ve added so many useful components to the system that we’ve become a favorite of firearms enthusiasts, cyclists and anyone who appreciates good tools, likes to tinker, build their own firearms, swap optics, and more.THE THREE PS’S THAT MAKE US ROLLIf you had to sum up Fix It Sticks, you’d say it’s about three things: Portable, Precision and Performance. If a tool doesn’t meet these three criteria, we don’t make it. It’s really about finding a need, then exciting our customers with something they’ve never seen before, and solving a problem in a way that surprises them. It takes a lot of thinking, trial and error, then thinking, trial and error again. That’s what keeps us going – and you going.#fixitsticks #fixitsticksshooting #mp5 #mp5clone #suppressednation #suppressed #fixitsticks #fixitsticksshooting #fixitstickshuntingThank you to our partnersBrowning, Beneva, Father’s Cooker, FédéCP, Quality in, AirmedicFédéCP, Fromagerie Victoria, Thomas Marine, Bouffe et Cie, Ecotone and Selection OenoAventure Chasse Pêche reaches more than 650 K followers per week, propelling us to an average of more than 1.61 million people per month on our social networks.ZONE-VIPA customized solution that will give you the chance to make an informed decision about your advertising placement for your business… FB?éviscérerunorignal#commentéviscérerunchevreuil#techniquedechasse#techniquedepeche#equipementdechasse#vetementdechasse#dindonsauvage#salineorignal#meilleurblocdesel#chasseorignalchevreuil#commentéviscérerunours#salinechevreuil#souilleorignal#videochasseorignal#blocdesel#BrowningCanada