Journal Filles de bois – Episode 1 #fishing

Journal Filles de bois – Episode 1 #fishing

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It’s finally time to launch a project that’s been simmering in the back of our minds for years: the Filles de Bois Journal! Every two weeks, you’ll find us, Kate and Joanie, as well as all our collaborators, in what will be your next Filles de bois series, featuring exclusive content on the adventures we’ll be having over the next few months, the good times and the not-so-good, the difficulties we’ve encountered and the successes we’ve achieved. In all simplicity and sincerity, we’ll share with you our reality and our passions as they intertwine with a daily life that’s strangely close to your own. You’ll also find tips and tricks to help you get the most out of your hunting and fishing activities, not to mention in-depth interviews with the women we admire from near and far. In this episode, we introduce you to your series as well as something related to lake trout and moulac! Enjoy! #friends #friendship #fillesdebois #river #show #outdoors #happyplace #girlshunttoo #hunting #fishing #outdoors #livingourbestlife #realityshow #reallife #momlife #happy #magazine #tvshow #carbontv #sportsmanchannel #zone300