Landlocked salmon and black bear, the jewels of Lac St-Jean
Lecteur Vidéo

Landlocked salmon and black bear, the jewels of Lac St-Jean

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Landlocked salmon and black bear, the jewels of Lac St-Jean. Lac St-Jean and its four tributaries constitute the Ouananiche’s natural habitat. In addition to fishing, topics such as their life cycle, their preferred food and changes in lake levels over time will be discussed. We end our adventure in the forest among the bears……… Landlocked salmon and black bear, the jewels of Lac St-JeanThe landlocked salmon is an important symbol of the region’s culture and history. Although modest in size, the lake smelt is a key component of the local ecosystem and an important economic resource for the region.The lake smelt plays an important role in the Lac Saint-Jean ecosystem, serving as food for many other fish, birds and mammals. The black bear is a species of bear that can be found in the Lac Saint-Jean region of Quebec, Canada. The population is relatively stable, but as with many wild species, the black bear’s natural habitat has been threatened by human activities such as deforestation, agriculture and urbanization.The black bear is an emblematic animal of the Lac Saint-Jean region and attracts many tourists who wish to observe these majestic animals in their natural habitat. However, it is important to observe the rules and safety precautions when observing black bears, as they are wild and potentially dangerous animals.