Lyme disease: how to protect yourself

Lyme disease: how to protect yourself

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long clothing on hunting expeditions, and apply a good DEET- or icaridin-based insect repellent to protect yourself from insect bites that could transmit bacteria. For example, you could develop Lyme disease if bitten by a black-legged tick.


Lyme disease is transmitted by the bite of a tick carrying the Borrelia burgdorferi bacterium. It can affect both humans and animals. To find out more about Lyme disease in animals, visit the Lyme disease in animals page.The disease was first described in 1977, following an outbreak of arthritis in children living in the town of Lyme, Connecticut, U.S.A. Ticks capable of transmitting Lyme disease are now found in North America, Europe, Asia and Europe. In Canada, ticks that can transmit Lyme disease are found in southern Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec and British Columbia, as well as in parts of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. For more information, visit the Government of Canada’s Lyme Disease Risk in Canadians page This hyperlink will open in a new window..

Lyme disease in Quebec

A dozen species of tick are present in Quebec. Because ticks can be carried by birds, they can be found in almost every region of Quebec. However, not all ticks carry the bacterium. The only species that can transmit Lyme disease in Quebec and northeastern North America is the tick. Ixodes scapularis, also known as the “tick of the In Quebec, according to the surveillance data available, ticks are the most common type of tick. Ixodes scapularis are established in certain areas of the following regions:

  • Eastern Townships;
  • Lanaudière;
  • Mauricie-Centre-du-Québec;
  • Montérégie;
  • Montreal;
  • Outaouais;
  • Laval;
  • Laurentians.

For more details on at-risk areas, consult the mapping the risk of acquiring Lyme disease This hyperlink will open in a new window. As the diagnosis of Lyme disease can, in some cases, be difficult to make, the actual number of cases is probably higher than the number reported. Since 2011, the number of Lyme disease cases reported to Quebec public health authorities has risen sharply, as has the proportion of cases acquiring their infection in the province. This proportion has risen from around 50% in 2013 to 92% in 2021. This greater proportion of cases acquired in Quebec may be explained by the closure of borders and reduced travel outside Quebec during the COVID-19 pandemic.Here is the number of Lyme disease cases reported in Quebec since 2014:

  • 125 cases in 2014;
  • 160 cases in 2015;
  • 177 cases in 2016;
  • 329 cases in 2017;
  • 304 cases in 2018;
  • 500 cases in 2019;
  • 274 cases in 2020;
  • and 709 cases in 2021.

The fact that Quebec winters are not as cold as they used to be could partly explain the increase in previous years. In Quebec, Lyme disease has been a notifiable disease (MADO) since 2003. Doctors and laboratory managers who detect a case of Lyme disease must therefore inform the public health authorities.

Tick description

The Ixodes scapularis tick In any given year, the different stages of tick development (larva, nymph, adult) can be found in the same area.At each of these stages, the tick must feed on the blood of animals or humans to move on to the next stage.Before the tick feeds, its size can vary from 1 to 3 millimeters. Ticks can triple in size when filled with blood, making them easier to spot when bitten. Nymphs are small (about the size of a poppy seed), more likely to go undetected and generally remain attached to the person’s skin for longer before being detected. They are most active during the spring and summer months. Adult ticks are the size of a sesame seed, so are easier to spot, and are most active in the autumn.After any outdoor activity that may involve exposure to ticks, it’s important to examine your skin for ticks and remove them as soon as possible. To find out how, consult the Removing a tick in the event of a bite.


Tick bites are generally painless and often go unnoticed.Lyme disease symptoms can vary from person to person. The first symptoms of Lyme disease generally appear between 3 and 30 days after the bite of a tick carrying the bacteria.

The most common symptom is a reddening of the skin that causes little or no pain or itching. It appears at the site of the bite, most frequently on the thighs, groin, armpits or trunk. It can sometimes be found in hard-to-see places, such as the back of the knees, the lower buttocks or back, the scalp, the back of the ears, the eyebrows, the navel or between the toes. Redness is present in 60-80% of infections, but is not always noticed. It persists for at least 48 hours, spreading rapidly to over 5 centimetres. The redness may be ring- or target-shaped. Many people also experience fatigue, fever and body aches.If the disease is not detected and treated promptly, the bacteria can disperse into the bloodstream, causing further symptoms in the weeks and months following the bite. These symptoms may, for example, include the following:

  • Appearance of several red patches that spread over the skin, with little or no pain or itching;
  • Facial paralysis, numbness of limbs, neck pain, severe headaches;
  • Slightly painful swelling in one or more joints (e.g. knee);
  • Chest pain, palpitations or dizziness.

When to consult

If you develop a rash after possible exposure to ticks, you can draw the outline with a pencil and take a photo. Call Info-Santé 811 or consult a physician if you are in one of the following situations:

  • the redness is 5 cm in diameter or more,
  • redness persists for more than 48 hours,
  • you believe you have one or more other symptoms of Lyme disease in the days, weeks or months following an outdoor activity that may expose you to ticks.

If you noted a sting, provide the information you noted about the sting:

  • the part of the body that has been stung;
  • the date and place where you were when you were bitten.

If you see a doctor, if possible, take the tick with you in an airtight container such as a pill bottle.


Preventive treatment

If you have been bitten by a tick in certain areas of the Eastern Townships, Lanaudière, Mauricie-et-Centre-du-Québec, Montérégie, Montréal, Outaouais, Laval or Laurentides regionsFor more information on the situation in these eight regions, consult the regional websites:

If you have been bitten by a tick elsewhere in Quebec, preventive treatment with antibiotics is generally not recommended. If you have been bitten by a tick elsewhere in Canada or the U.S.To find out whether it’s best to consult a healthcare professional, contact Info-Santé 811. Even if you receive preventive treatment, it’s important to watch out for symptoms of Lyme disease in the months following the bite.

Treatment of the disease

Lyme disease is treated with antibiotics prescribed by a doctor. The nature and duration of treatment depend on the stage of infection and the symptoms present, and usually results in a rapid and complete recovery from the disease. However, some symptoms may persist for several months after treatment.


If the disease is not detected and treated quickly, it can cause problems in other organs or parts of the body, for example :

  • joint problems;
  • heart problems;
  • neurological problems.

These problems may appear in the weeks or months following the bite.


To transmit the disease, the tick must carry the Borrelia burgdorferi bacterium. Following a tick bite, the risk of developing Lyme disease is very low if the tick remains attached to the skin for less than 24 hours, even if you were bitten in one of the high-risk areas. However, this risk increases if the tick remains attached for longer. It is therefore important to remove the tick from the skin as quickly as possible. For more information, see Removing a tick from a bite. Ticks can attach themselves to any part of the human body. They are often found in areas that are difficult to inspect, such as :

  • groins;
  • navel;
  • underarms;
  • inside or around the ears;
  • the back of the knees;
  • the bottom of the buttocks;
  • lower back;
  • hair.

Pets that go outdoors can also bring ticks into the house.People who have already had Lyme disease can catch it again.Lyme disease is not transmitted from an infected animal to humans, nor is it transmitted by contact between 2 people.

Protection and prevention

Ticks don’t jump, fly or drop from a high surface (e.g. a branch). They can, however, cling to you or your pet when in contact with plants in gardens, landscaping, forests, woodlands and tall grasses. The best way to avoid catching Lyme disease is to avoid tick bites during outdoor activities such as gardening, hiking, golfing, hunting, fishing, camping and so on.

Preventive measures

When walking, to avoid tick bites:

  • walk preferably on footpaths and avoid tall grass;
  • use insect repellent on exposed parts of your body, avoiding the face. Follow the instructions for using mosquito repellent;
  • wear a hat, closed shoes and long clothing;
  • tuck your sweater into your pants;
  • tuck the bottom of your pants into your socks or boots;
  • wear light-colored clothing when out walking. Light colors make ticks more visible.

When returning from an outdoor activity, to spot a tick:

  • examine your whole body;
  • take a bath or shower as soon as possible, ideally within 2 hours of outdoor activity, to check for ticks. This will also remove any ticks that are not firmly attached to the skin;
  • enlist the help of another person, or use a mirror to examine less visible areas such as the back. Take advantage of bath time to examine the children;
  • examine your equipment (backpack, coat, etc.). This precaution is designed to avoid introducing a tick into your home, where it could bite someone or a pet;
  • remove ticks from your clothes by putting them in the dryer on high heat for 10 minutes. If clothes are too dirty to be put directly in the dryer, machine wash them in hot water, ideally for at least 40 minutes. Then tumble dry on high for at least 60 minutes. Clothes must be completely dry;
  • Also check your pets, as they can bring ticks into your home. If you find ticks on an animal, remove them and consult a veterinarian if necessary. For more information about ticks on pets, visit the website of the French Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food This hyperlink will open in a new window..

If you spot a tick, remove it by following the steps outlined on the page Removing a tick in the event of a bite.

To reduce the presence of ticks in your environment:

  • cut the tall grass and undergrowth around your house, and mow your lawn;
  • remove dead leaves, undergrowth and weeds from lawns, wood stores and sheds;
  • Create wood chip or gravel paths between wooded areas and lawns, patios and play areas. Trails should be at least 3 meters wide;
  • set up play areas away from trees, in a sunny spot;
  • stack wood carefully, in a sheltered, dry place. This can keep out rodents, which attract ticks. Clear your yard of old furniture and accessories.
