Michel Therrien La relève à la chasse Sam Vanasse

Michel Therrien La relève à la chasse Sam Vanasse

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Tips for successful deer hunting from a tree stand

Visit deer hunting from an elevated position is very popular among huntersHowever, success is not always easy. guaranteed if you don’t keep the following tips in mind; otherwise, beginner’s mistakes will lead to failure.

1. Pre-season scouting is mandatory

You may not walk much the day you hunt from a tree stand, but you’ve certainly done it long before, during pre-season scouting. Finding deer trails, feeding areas and places where there’s a lot of deer activity is essential to success, otherwise you won’t be able to place your stand on a suitable deer-hunting position. So bear in mind that you’ll need to do a lot of walking before deciding on the best place to set up your stand.

2. Set up your stand as far in advance of the hunt as possible.

The deer are aware of minor changes in their environment, so they will easily notice a tree stand, even if you cover it, they will notice the presence as well as the smell of something new in their territory and will avoid the area for a while, so if you set up your tree stand only a few days before hunting, it is likely that there will be no deer the day you decide to hunt.From a other On the other hand, if the stand is set up a month or two in advance, the deer will avoid the area for the first few weeks, but sooner or later they will regard the stand as part of their normal environment and not as a threat, so that the day you decide to hunt, the deer will be around the area as usual.

3. Height is crucial.

The rule is not to be too low, but not too high. A height of around 6 meters is sufficient to give you the advantage of hunting from above while maintaining a correct angle. If your tree stand is installed too low (below 14 feet), it’s almost the same as hunting from the ground, making the tree stand useless. On the other hand, if the watchtower is too high (above 23 feet), the angle of fire is too narrow and it will be very difficult to get a clear, lethal shot.

4. Install your stand on a tree with plenty of back cover.

If the sky is the only backdrop to the tree where you’re setting up a tree stand, deer will notice your silhouette from a mile away and you can be sure they won’t enter the kill zone, so choose a tree with lots of taller trees and bushes for cover, which will help blend your silhouette into the environment, making your camouflage easier.Also, if you’re cover the base of the tree itself with bushes and branches as well as yourself (perhaps using a fancy costume), your chances of success increase considerably.

5. Not too far but not too close

Would you like to set up your stand close enough to the slopes? deer to get a shot but not so close that the deer will notice your presence, then you need to decide wisely how far from the deer tracks your stand should be placed. precision and it will be difficult to get a clean shot, but if the stand is just above the stag’s head, he will probably run away before you can get off a single shot. hunting technique deer in a watchtower, but that’s not all. There’s still too much to learn, but at least with these key concepts, you’ll start off on the right foot.SOURCE: ghilliesuitshoP / https://www.ghilliesuitshop.com/blogs/ghillie-suit-shop-blog/tips-for-tree-stand-deer-hunting-succeed