Setting a minnow on a hook

Setting a minnow on a hook

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Brimbal fishing remains a popular technique for ice fishing. The assembly can be different, but one thing remains the same: we have to install a lead at the end of our line. In this video, the guide and professional angler shows you just how to do it properly to get a good result on a strike. He will also tell you how to choose the right hook. Thanks to our partnersBrowning, Beneva, Father’s Cooker, FédéCP, Quality in, AirmedicFédéCP, Fromagerie Victoria, Thomas Marine, Bouffe et Cie, Ecotone and Selection OenoAventure Chasse Pêche reaches more than 650 K followers per week, propelling us to an average of more than 1.61 million people per month on our social networks.ZONE-VIPA customized solution that will give you the chance to make an informed decision about your advertising placement for your business.?…IG?éviscérerunorignal#commentéviscérerunchevreuil#techniquedechasse#techniquedepeche#equipementdechasse#vetementdechasse#dindonsauvage#salineorignal#meilleurblocdesel#chasseorignalchevreuil#commentéviscérerunours#salinechevreuil#souilleorignal#videochasseorignal#blocdesel#BrowningCanada