The approach of the Moose warrior | Marc Gosselin photographe

The approach of the Moose warrior | Marc Gosselin photographe

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L` approche du guerrier Orignal | Marc Gosselin photographe I invite you to place your orders online now. Postage is free for Canada, Europe and the United States. You can also suggest ideas to appeal to a wider audience. For further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Pleasure, Marc 

Hunting on snow. Crucial advice Moose

Most hunters prefer to stay at home and avoid bad weather, especially if it’s snowing, but even if it’s less convenient and much more difficult, hunting when it’s snowing can give you an advantage if you know how to take advantage of it; so on this post you’ll find some critical tips for making things work in your favor when hunting in snowy conditions.

First of all, ensure your Moose well-being!

Being out in freezing conditions and alone in the woods can be dangerous if you’re not properly prepared, so success starts at home when you prepare your hunting gear. If you’re properly prepared, you’ll have won half the game, so don’t forget:1. Avoid clothing padded, because even if it’s warmer, it’ll be harder to adjust thermoregulation when you’re out; instead, prefer several layers of clothing; this way, if you get very hot due to exercise and movement, you can remove some layers of clothing, thus avoiding extra sweating; then, if the temperature drops or your physical activity decreases, you can add extra layers of clothing to keep you warm.2. Don’t forget to bring plenty of water and a good supply of high-calorie foods and snacks. Cold and snow consume a lot of calories and increase water loss. If you don’t manage to stay hydrated and have enough energy to get around, you may run into problems. Don’t put your safety at risk! 

Equipment and clothing

Now that your gear and clothes are ready, it’s time to go hunting, and there are two things you need to know to improve your chances:1. Keep an eye on the high country. If there’s snow up there, the animals will move to lower altitudes, especially big game, so look for areas where access to food and water is easier (if you’ve explored the area beforehand, it will be easier to locate these spots) and head towards them, your chances of catching something big will be good.2. Follow the tracks. Every hunter is a tracker, in fact, tracking is an essential skill for successful hunting, but when you’re out on the snow, the job can be easier. Tracks last longer on snow and are rarely erased, so you can follow an animal’s tracks over longer distances than in any other condition; however, there are a few points to bear in mind: On deep snow, it’s difficult to determine the direction of movement, so it’s easier to follow tracks in the wrong direction! Try to correlate the tracks with nearby food sources and terrain features to determine the right direction to follow the tracks. several days, making it difficult to know how old they are; nevertheless, this is a minor problem, since you’re not interested in the animal leaving the tracks but in the area where it’s heading; if you manage to follow the track, you’ll probably find not only the animal responsible for it but also others gathered in an area where the weather is milder and access to food and water easier.At last, you’ll have a chance! And if the game doesn’t die immediately, snow will give you another advantage since the blood trail will be infinitely easier to follow on the white landscape; moreover, snow-covered terrain where movement is more difficult will be more advantageous for a wounded game that will have to expend more energy to escape but will cover a shorter distance, allowing the hunter to reach it more easily.It’s clear that the Hunting on snow is a demanding challenge, but it’s exactly what we’re looking for! One final word of advice: watch out for predators! The wolves are very active foraging in the harsh winter conditions, so your catch as well as yourself could become the target of a wolf pack, so be aware of their presence in the area and ready to defend yourself if necessary; once again, remember: Don’t put your own safety at risk!SOURCE: ghilliesuitshoP /