The velvet loss of a Moose Titan | Marc Gosselin photographe

The velvet loss of a Moose Titan | Marc Gosselin photographe

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The velvet loss of a Moose Titan | Marc Gosselin photographe

The velvet loss of a Moose Titan | Marc Gosselin photographeI invite you to place your orders online now. Postage is free for Canada, Europe and the United States. You can also suggest ideas to appeal to a wider audience. For further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Advice Things to remember about huntingHunting is a leisure activity open air It’s also an activity that sons learn from their parents, and which is passed on from one generation to the next. techniques basic and advanced hunting techniques was to go out into the field with a mentor and learn as much as possible on each hunting trip. Later, after years of experience, a person was able to master the art of Today, it’s possible to learn not only from mentors, but also at home. go to from a variety of resources, including books, magazines and online information, so there are many ways to get knowledge from different sources, making the learning experience easier, faster and more complete, since there are many things we can learn from many experienced hunters, even if we don’t know them! In this regard, here’s a Compilation of the most important tips from experienced hunters to follow as a general rule, especially for beginners. By following these tips, you’ll not only increase your knowledge, but also your chances of success – and, above all, you’ll always be on the safe side. Don’t forget that hunting is fun, but it’s also dangerous! Hunting tipsNext, the best of what you’ve learned from experienced hunters, in the field, in books and online resources:1. Knowing the hunting area is essential, so scouting before the hunt or relying on a local guide is key to success.2. You need to know as much about your game as possible. Knowing the calls, breeding and feeding areas and behavioral patterns of a particular game animal will give you an edge when hunting.3. Discretion is key. Animals ‘ senses tend to be much sharper than those of humans, so discretion is essential for success. If you can’t conceal your presence, you won ‘t be able to succeed.4. Be aware of rules and regulations. Wildlife officers are strict, and regulations change from place to place and season to season. There are no excuses for breaking the rules and officials will punish offenders even if they don’t know the rules, so be sure to familiarize yourself with the local rules for a given season.5. NEVER hunt without a license.6. Respect the bag limit; it’s the only way to make hunting sustainable for future generations. We must learn from our ancestors to find the balance between hunting and conservation.7. Safety must be an absolute priority, so never walk around a hunting area without wearing the mandatory orange vest.8. Be aware of the elements and be prepared for all kinds of weather conditions. From extreme heat to freezing temperatures, depending on the region and season you plan to hunt.9. Layering clothing is the best way to ensure adequate protection from the elements, especially on windy or cold days.10. Check all your equipment before you go hunting and make sure it’s in good working order.11. Essential equipment must include a main weapon, a secondary weapon, a hunting knife and a carving knife.12. NEVER forget your first-aid kit!13. Your backpack should always include a map, compass and GPS. It is better to rely on redundant orientation devices than to get lost in the woods.14. Prepare rations and water for a few days longer than you plan to be out. This is a good way of dealing with unexpected delays in the woods.15. Pack at least two communication devices and spare batteries in your bag. It’s important to keep in touch with civilization when you’re out hunting.16. Provide a detailed schedule of your hunting trip to someone at home, as well as the time you claim to be out. This will make it easier to locate you in an emergency.17. If you hunt with dogs, don’t forget to pack enough food, the dog’s orange vest and protective clothing to match your hunting schedule.18. If you’re hunting from a blind, set it up and cover its position a few days before the hunt. If possible, avoid new fabrics and equipment, as their smell will be immediately detected by local wildlife. If you must use new clothes, the best idea is to use them for a few weeks, even in your garden, letting the dirt and dust cover up its “industrial” smell.19. Familiarize yourself with field dressing techniques. Once you’ve slaughtered your game, the last thing you want is to lose edible meat through improper handling.20. Don’t forget that By following the above tips, you’ll have acquired most of the basics, then, with practice, reading and experience, you’ll learn a lot more and become a master in the art of hunting, just like our ancestors, only faster! SOURCE: ghilliesuitshop /