Wild turkey hunting wilderness survey
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Wild turkey hunting wilderness survey

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Wild turkey hunting wilderness survey

Wild turkey hunting wilderness prospecting | Adventure Hunting Moose Deer Outfitting and the outdoors

Wild turkey hunting wilderness survey

Wild turkey hunting with our guide Alexandre Archambault See the exploration of wild and farmed areas. Turkeys behave differently in different environments. To hunt wild turkey in Quebec, you must hold, in addition to your hunter’s certificate, the Attestation de formation pour la chasse au dindon sauvage. This certificate is issued upon successful completion of the Biology and Hunting of Wild Turkeys in Quebec course. An interesting hunt, follow us!

Wild turkey hunting


The wild turkey is increasingly present in Quebec. It is hunted in spring and autumn in certain areas.

What to do before, during and after the hunt

Before the hunt

During the hunt

Comply with the obligations relating to :

After the hunt

  • If necessary, follow the rules for searching for wounded game.
  • Follow the rules in the event of afelling error (by accident or mistake).
  • Once the slaughtered animal has been found, affix the required transport coupon . If you are a young person hunting under an adult’s license, you must also comply with certain special rules.
  • Carry your weapon according to the rules (empty, holstered, etc.).
  • Recover and dispose of waste properly (empty cartridges, food waste, etc.).
  • Register your game online or by presenting it complete, eviscerated or not, at a registration station within 48 hours of leaving your hunting grounds.
  • Keep the transport coupon attached to your game until it is butchered or stored.

Special rules for wild turkey hunting

The following rules also apply:

  • Wild turkey is hunted in the morning only, from 30 minutes before sunrise to noon.
  • Orange fluorescent bibs are not mandatory for wild turkey hunting.
  • In Quebec, you can shoot 2 turkeys during the same half-day hunt, provided the second turkey comes from zone 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (spring only) or 10.
  • As wild turkeys are not small game, shooting restrictions from public roads apply in certain areas.
  • It is forbidden touse a dog to hunt wild turkey, except during the fall season when the use of pointing or retrieving dogs only is permitted.

Catch limits for wild turkey

A hunter is permitted to kill 3 wild turkeysper year under the following conditions:

Spring season: two bearded wild turkeys. However, the second must be slaughtered in one of the following zones: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10. The hunter can shoot 2 turkeys during the same half-day hunt.

Fall season: a turkey, with or without beard, in zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10.

Wild turkey baiting

Baiting wild turkeys for hunting is prohibited in Quebec.

It is also forbidden to hunt wild turkey within 100 metres of any place where bait has been deposited, regardless of the other types of game for which it is intended.

The following are not considered as bait:

  • standing crops;
  • crops stacked according to normal farming practices;
  • grain spilled during normal farming operations.

Determining the sex and age of wild turkeys

The clues above serve as a guide. When in doubt, refrain from shooting.

The adult male, also called Tom, has a uniform tail outline. Its lug measures less than half an inch (1.2 cm) and his beard, about 5 inches (12 cm). Its lateral wing feathers are barred white to the tip, and the tip is generally rounded.

The juvenile male, also known as Jake, is characterized by its longer central tail feathers. Its lug measures less than half an inch (1.2 cm) and his beard, about 5 inches (12 cm). Its lateral wing feathers are barred white to the tip and are generally pointed.

Adult females and adult bearded females have no ergot and generally no beard. Less than 5 % of species have a beard. When they have one, it can measure around 5 inches (or 12 cm). Its head is blue-gray in color.