Wildlife OnVideo A huge elk’s epic battle for the toughest territory of the elk rut
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Wildlife OnVideo A huge elk’s epic battle for the toughest territory of the elk rut

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Wildlife OnVideo A huge elk’s epic battle for the toughest territory of the elk► rut Subscribe to our channelhttps://www.youtube.com/c/WildlifeOnVideo?sub_confirmation=1Il are two of the most dominant bucks in this region of the Canadian Rockies. While the elder is a little bigger and more experienced, the other, a little younger, has been pushing to dominate this area for the past two weeks. These two huge males have had several brief fights and have been bugling almost constantly between territory battles. Although we don’t know if this fight will be the last, it will probably remain one of the most epic we’ve ever seen. The very rocky terrain under the river’s water is probably what brought the fight to an end, as neither of these two equally-sized giants seemed to want to give in. You can also hear a young bull near us watching the fight, sounding his incredible bugle several times.During the rut, which is the breeding season for elk, males engage in intense and spectacular battles to dominate and mate with receptive females. The moose rut takes place in autumn, from late August to early October, depending on location and moose subspecies, and males establish a social hierarchy based on size, age and strength. Larger, more dominant males generally have better access to mating opportunities and can control groups of females, called harems.Bull elk use the distinctive bugle call to assert their presence and establish dominance. The bugle consists of a series of high-pitched whistles and deep, resonant bellows. In addition, males engage in visual displays of dominance, including the positioning of their antlers and bodies to intimidate rivals.The most emblematic aspect of male fighting during the rut is the clash of antlers. Males use their massive, branched antlers to compete for mating rights. Before engaging in actual combat, bulls often test each other’s mettle through non-aggressive displays such as parallel walking, vocal challenges and antler displays. Fights can be intense and fierce, with bulls charging at each other, bumping into each other and trying to wrestle each other to the ground. The aim is to establish dominance and secure access to a group of receptive females, or harem.Having established dominance, the winning bull will attempt to mate with the females in his harem. The defeated bull may try to take up the challenge again, or seek other mating opportunities.► Visit the Canadian Rockies!!https://www.tourcanadianrockies.com#elkrut #elkbull #natureEland bull fighting during the rut is a fascinating and crucial aspect of their mating behavior, ensuring that the strongest and most dominant bulls have the opportunity to pass on their genes to the next generation.sourceWildanimal encountersfilmed and photographed in the Canadian wild. All videos shared here are original content captured, created and produced by the husband and wife team of Paul and Coral Hamilton.We are students of nature who believe that people need only witness these magnificent creatures to understand and care more about them. Please feel free to contact us through the WildlifeOnVideo channel, WildlifeOnVideo.com, or call us for licensing and/or partnerships.