Wildlife OnVideo Large bull moose chasing a cow with her calf and an additional arrival during the moose’s rut.

Wildlife OnVideo Large bull moose chasing a cow with her calf and an additional arrival during the moose’s rut.

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Wildlife OnVideo Large bull moose chasing a cow with her calf and an additional arrival during the moose’s rut.

The third Big Bull moose chases a cow with a calf during the moose rut. You can hear many vocalizations between the cow and the male in this video. Most rutting moose have an estrous cycle of 24 to 25 days, but cows may only be receptive to bulls for a brief period of 15 to 27 hours. Here, the big male smells the female ‘s urine and reacts with a “Flehmen”, i.e. he looks to see if the female is ready to mate. This big male continued to chase the cow, but the arrival of another male made them all back off. The arrival of another young large male provoked a gentle dance and many vocalizations, but no real conflict occurred as he moved away shortly after seeing the large male. All these gentle giants looked healthy and happy, which was wonderful to see. Find out more about the elk rut in Canada’s Rocky Mountains…

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Encounters with wild animals filmed and photographed in the Canadian wilderness. All videos shared here are original content captured, created and produced by the husband and wife team of Paul and Coral Hamilton.

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