DIY Alaskan Moose Hunt – Stuck N the Rut 73

DIY Alaskan Moose Hunt – Stuck N the Rut 73

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Descriptions :

Travis and Tom Schneider did an Alaskan moose hunt. Travis was really wanting to shoot one with a bow, so any moose that left a really good rifle opportunity, Tom would take it. They got in to camp 2 days early so that they can scout out the area. Saw a lot of moose, so they knew they would have a lot of action. Day one of the hunt, they saw some good bulls, but couldn’t close the distance. On their way back to the tent, a big bull stood along side of the waters edge. Because the limited time of making a decision, Tom decided to not shoot the bull moose. This area has a restriction of either 4 points on an eye-guard, or the moose antlers must be 50 inches wide. Day 2 of hunting, they side hilled the mountain, looking down in the flat. Tom spotted the moose he wanted to shoot, so they made the stalk. Enjoy Stuck N The Rut Episode 73, and make sure to stay tuned for Travis’s moose hunt.

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