Slinging Techniques for Shotguns/Rifles

Slinging Techniques for Shotguns/Rifles

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Slinging Techniques for Shotguns/Rifles

Slinging Techniques for Shotguns/Rifles | Aventure Chasse Peche Orignal Chevreuil Pourvoirie et le plein air Slinging Techniques for Shotguns/Rifles
In this video Jeremy Stafford discusses two of his favorite slinging techniques for long guns equipped with a standard strap sling.He is slinging a shotgun, but these techniques will work with any standard-sling-equipped long gun.A good slinging technique should be secure while also allowing reasonably fast deployment of the firearm. Mastering these two techniques will give you options regardless of whatever adventure you find yourself in. Remember, always follow the safety rules when practicing your slinging techniques!Video by: Alfredo

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Nicolas Thivierge | Réalisateur ACP Télé

Equipe Aventure Chasse Pêche Nicolas Thivierge  | Réalisateur ACP Télé

Equipe Aventure Chasse Pêche Nicolas Thivierge  | Réalisateur ACP Télé