The Model 70 Overview, Winchester 2013

The Model 70 Overview, Winchester 2013

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The Model 70 Overview, Winchester 2013

The Model 70 Overview, Winchester 2013 | Aventure Chasse Peche Orignal Chevreuil Pourvoirie et le plein air The Model 70 Overview, Winchester 2013
This video provides a quick overview of all the Model 70 models in the Winchester Repeating Arms lineup. After you’ve had a look, go to to research specific details on each model. This video has soem great shots of big game animals from all across North America and the world. Most of it never seen before and exlusive to Winchester Repeating Arms.

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Nicolas Thivierge | Réalisateur ACP Télé

Equipe Aventure Chasse Pêche Nicolas Thivierge  | Réalisateur ACP Télé

Equipe Aventure Chasse Pêche Nicolas Thivierge  | Réalisateur ACP Télé